A Mentorship Circle for Awakening Men

Are you waking up?
Do you identify with Neo, slowly coming to grips with the truth of this virtual reality-like experience called human life?
Are you continually realizing (and having to contend with) just how much of what you were taught to believe about this world simply isn’t true?
And do you feel the call to grow connections with other awake, heart-centred men? Men who have your back as they learn suppressed knowledge on how to tap into our lost potential as humans so we can make the biggest difference in these darkest of times?
If you answered yes to the above questions, read on…
It’s time…
Whether it’s navigating the corruption throughout media, medicine, and politics, the transhumanist agenda, or the mental health challenges inherent in the worldwide awakening underway, you have undoubtedly gone through your share of shit in recent years. Now the dollar’s crashing, things aren’t looking good for the future of both Canada and the USA, and like many of us men, you might be unsure what to do next. So, how’s that going? Ready to stop figuring it all out on your own yet? Perhaps through your own intuition or the loving words of a woman in your life it’s becoming clear that like-minded men who have your back would be a timely addition to your life right now.
So much of the future is uncertain and the need for community has never been stronger. The time for balanced, powerful, and uplifting male camaraderie is long over due. We have to step out of denial as men and acknowledge that we need each other. We need the many qualities that our trusted female support systems cannot provide. It’s time to question our hyper-independence and reap the many benefits of soul-satiating connection with fellow awakening men, especially now.

New Earth Men's Alliance
New Earth Men’s Alliance (NEMA) is a mentorship circle or alliance of men dedicated to each other’s reclamation of personal power and life fulfillment. NEMA stands for men coming to realize their true potential and becoming examples of New Earth consciousness male role models. We represent men devoted to the Great Awakening
Designed to provide men with deep meaningful connection, previously hidden metaphysical knowledge, and powerful life-changing experiences, NEMA pioneers the New Earth men’s movement
In NEMA you will…
☑️ Cultivate beautiful connections with fellow awake, aware, solution-oriented men ready to team up, mastermind, and support each other
☑️ Gain solutions, options, and formulate a game-plan of not only survival, but perhaps even how to thrive in the coming years
☑️ Learn how to overcome your trauma-induced procrastination, self-sabotage, laziness, and addictions
☑️ Become a far more grounded, reliable, productive, integrated, healthy, abundant, and spiritually advanced man with deep purpose and drive
☑️ Receive an education on topics such as:
- How this human world matrix truly works and how to make the most of this knowledge to adapt and evolve
- How to solve chronic mental and physical health problems, psychological blocks, etc.
- How to make and manage your money, monetize your passions and receive the support to make it happen
- How to feel, embrace, and reap the massive benefits of opening up emotionally without losing your masculinity
- How to develop higher 6th sense abilities and use them for good
- Learn the importance of up-levelling your personal power as a man through…:
- Becoming physically healthy and mentally resilient
- Higher consciousness social skills
- Discovering your personal style
- The magic of effective dress and grooming practices
- Hacking testosterone, libido, and drive
- Growing your connection with Source
- How to listen, effectively support, and even facilitate healing experiences for others
- How to lead, inspire, and become a force for change
- How to approach & meet women
- How to cultivate beautiful lasting relationships with women
- How to create amazing sexual experiences for both you and your woman
A Guide for the awake
My name is Séamus, a fellow soul living the Great Awakening along side you. As my teachers did for me, I serve as a catalyst for men’s growth. I Guide my kin to the answers they’re looking for, align them with the path they came here to live, and pass down the tools to get there.
Many of us came to this planet in this life-time to aid in the coming of the New Earth. If you are reading this than you are likely one of them. Being a contributing member of the Great Awakening underway comes with very difficult lessons; lessons you signed up for and lessons not meant to be learned alone. And as you will learn, these lessons are extremely difficult for men… especially now. This is where NEMA comes in.
If you desire a deeply fulfilling support group experience with authentic, no bullshit facilitation and mentorship then I look forward to meeting you. I bring 10+ years experience leading circles & workshops and 20+ years on the healer’s path (as a therapist, seer, and educator) to curate life-changing group experiences. I would love the opportunity to serve you by showing you the metaphysical keys to unlocking your potential for positive life-altering change.

- Mental health challenges, social isolation, & confidence issues
- Trauma, self-sabotage, depression, suicidal ideation, & other negative subconscious belief patterns
- Conscious relationship difficulties (broken trust, lack of higher level communication & conflict resolution skills, sexual challenges, etc.)
- 3d life problems (physical health conditions, financial problems, career or entrepreneurial dilemmas; lack of personal organization, productivity and time management skills; abundance blocks, fitness blocks, patterns of poor decision making, etc.)
- Existential 5d confusion (is this an artifical reality? Am I a soul or something else? What is the Earth really? What is the point or meaning of this experience?)
NEMA is an intimate mentorship and support group for men committed to their awakening process. Awakening to the details of the anti-human agenda underway; awakening to the collective spiritual significance of this time period and your specific role in it; and striving to be a force for positive evolutionary change.
Private weekly video-calls via Zoom
2.5 hours every Wednesday @ 6:30pm PST
- No bullshit, non-dogmatic circling experiences with fellow awakening men seeking like-minded community for support, kinship, and significant personal growth on all levels
- Effective subconscious repatterning tools and ancient altered state practices for healing trauma, overcoming psychological blocks, and tapping into higher states of consciousness/power for creating your ultimate reality
- A Dedicated Support Ally (DSA) to hold you accountable to your practices and goals, and emotionally support you on a daily basis
- One-on-one mentorship and group masterminding to help with your entrepreneurial projects, self-sustainability strategies, and how to best prepare for the coming realities of our times
- Knowledge about the true origins of humanity, what is really going on behind the scenes, and the role that you play (ie. your capitol ‘P’ Purpose)
- Education on previously suppressed and advanced healing technologies, therapies, and other powerful healing tools now publicly available
- Ancient tools for self-healing, higher level relationships, reality-shifting communication, and how to more effectively manifest your desired life
- And again… community! As in connection with other awakening heart-centred warriors of the light seeking strength in dedicated brotherhood
- An ongoing 15% discount off all of my one-on-one services (Guidance sessions, BMR-hypnotherapy sessions, etc.)
- Free access to my online course (care of my online school), SO-Dojo. The course: WLA (Whole Life Alignment) – a roadmap to getting your health, existential confusion, and spirituality in order
- Tons of free media content from my cloud storage: Audiobooks, ebooks, educational material, PDF worksheets, workbooks, and so on
- Access to SO-Dojo’s online school and private social hub
- Connection to my network of fellow freedom fighters, healers, influencers, and celebrities standing for the light of humanity
Investment: $150 $125 usd/mo
If the cost is a barrier, don’t let that stop you.
Apply below and we can work something out

NEMA is for truth seekers
NEMA is for men willing to be honest with themselves and step into personal responsibility. It’s about getting very real while embodying love, in both its forms: feminine & masculine (soft & tough). It’s about getting your needs met regarding the knowledge and emotional support necessary to live a powerful meaningful life amidst the darkness of our times.
Furthermore, the mentorship aspect of our weekly circles covers a wide range of topics: Everything from practical solutions to life’s 3d challenges (finances, home, relationships, physical & mental health problems, entrepreneurial pursuits, etc.), to advanced spiritual development training and everything in-between.
Still on the fence?
See the FAQs below. Otherwise schedule a quick chat with me, Séamus, to see if NEMA is right for you
Is NEMA a program or ...?
NEMA is on ongoing support group (aka. “mentorship circle”) that is a step above today’s typical men’s circles. Unlike traditional circles, NEMA circles not only support men emotionally, but add in the elements of ongoing mentorship (through education in new life skills, ancient knowledge, etc.) and training members in higher consciousness or e-psych practices, subconscious repatterning techniques, and meditation styles. This traditional teacher-apprentice style is utilized to ensure each man evolves past his previous limitations and gets the one-on-one attention he needs. All of this is coupled with a very real and authentic atmosphere in which each man can fully be himself while being held in his highest potential.
What is a Mentorship Circle?
A Mentorship Circle is a support group that includes a very strong focus on being mentored and learning how to mentor others. Mentorship Circles are much like men’s and women’s circles in that you receive emotional support and meaningful connection with other members, with the added element of an interactive workshop-like atmosphere for receiving higher knowledge, wisdom, and life skills from the leader of the group (and other members who wish to share their gifts as well).
How long does NEMA go for?
NEMA is ongoing. There is no end-date at this time. NEMA is meant to be a much more satisfying version of an ongoing generic support group. In this way you are encouraged to particpate for as long as necessary to get your life where you want it to be.
Why the cost?
Glad you asked. There are many.
1. Almost all men’s circles these days cost something. $100/mo is common for both men’s and women’s circles in today’s day and age. From renting venues and paying for specialized software & online service subscriptions (eg. Zoom, cloud storage, CRM tools, multimedia production platforms, etc.), to preparing materials, keeping tabs on each member, and managing group affairs, there is always basic overhead for time and money spent by the leader and/or organization.
2. Commitment. When our money is on the line, we humans tend to take things more seriously.
3. You pay for what you get. Too many men’s groups are led by men with no formal education in mentoring, counselling, coaching, or therapy. They’ve simply done a lot of men’s work. The skills and street smarts that years of men’s work affords a man should not go undervalued – experience is king these days – however men’s work is trauma work often times, and qualified help then becomes important. Furthermore, it’s equally important the men leading you have suffered like you, yet are now physically healthy, sober from hard drugs and alcohol, living a balanced life, and are therefore higher level role models you can look up to who can offer more than just good group facilitation and support.
4. Perks. As a new member of NEMA you receive a free course, a free book, access to my online school & private social media platform, 25% off my services as an active member, tons of free content (audiobooks, educational material, ebooks, etc.), occaional guest speakers, occasional in-person gatherings, and occasional (optional) workshop-like meetings on some weeks as well.
5. Our higher standard. NEMA is unique in that we apply scientifically proven and metaphysically tried-and-true practices for real transformation. This isn’t just about being there for each other with our hearts, but actually changing and rising together in real tangible ways.
So, the cost not only covers the leader’s costs, but their expertise and life experience as well. Plus, this is simply a high quality experience you’re paying for.
6. Time. Leaders of circles of this caliber always spend many extra hours outside of circle (6-8 hours on average) each week doing work behind the scenes. From additional workshop-like meetings some weeks, to meeting prep and one-on-one follow-up, to designing customized practices & experiences… there is a lot that goes into leading effective and fulfilling groups.
In the end, when you add it up, we leaders make very little for what we put in, especially in small intimate circles which is how group work should be. And let’s face it, very few of us can afford to give our highly qualified work away for free these days, given the collapse of the financial system that is underway as we speak.
Self-love and respect is the name of the game right now and the value of strong integrated leadership cannot be overstated.
I this a survivalist group?
We are not fanatical preppers assuming doom for humanity’s future, but we stay abreast of worldwide patterns and future probabiliities. And when it seems reasonable we prepare for said probabilities. Many of us have a long term supply of bulk food and other supplies because food chain issues seem like an obvious near future event. Some of us have also taken survival courses, invested in precious metals, etc., but we do not operate from a militant or paranoid place in our actions and we condemn any eye-for-an-eye mentality.